I wanted to share the sweetest little moment that I had at work today. I was on my way out after a long 12 hour shift but I stopped at someone's office that I needed to speak with before I left. I'm standing at the door waiting, and a family walks by. First comes the mom, who seems to me to be a bit frazzled and stressed, she walks past me without any acknowledgment. Next comes a boy about age 8 or so I'd say. He walks by and gives me a big toothless grin, says hi and keeps walking. Next comes a sister, maybe age 6 who wants to share an understanding womenly glance with me, so gives me a little eye roll as if to say "sigh, brothers". Last comes the little brother, age 4ish. As he approaches, I wondered what he would do to entertain me, but instead of entertain me, he taught me. He walked right up to me, threw his arms around my legs, and looking up at me, he smiled and said "hi, how are you?". At hearing these words his mother turned around and saw what was happening. Mortified I'm sure, she commanded him to her side. Still beaming at me he said "well, I have to go now." and without another word walked off leaving me speechless. I stood there for a moment basking in the warmth of that moment. How is it that little children can radiate so much love! Where does it come from and how can I get it? Somehow, in that moment, through this innocent child, I caught a glimpse of Heavenly Father's love for me. If He were here, that is exactly what He would do; without hesitation, throw His arms around me and, beaming, would ask me how I am.
p.s. the picture is not really relevant. I was thinking I needed a cute little child picture to go along with my story, and in perfect sync, my cousin Jenn provided one of her cute little 4 year old. Jenn, I hope you don't mind my borrowing this pic :)
I love this story! How adorable. No, I don't mind you borrowing the picture. I was really surprised to see it on your blog, though :)
oh laura that was so sweet! it almost made me cry. i love moments like that :)
I really enjoyed your post. Children are so pure and innocent no wonder we are to be like little children!
This story is so sweet!! I just love kids..they really do make me feel like I am getting a glimpse of Heavenly Father..most of the time anyway. Maybe thats why they make me feel so happy when I am around them. This is your cousin Amy in case you didnt know :D
oh n sorry i was the one that messed up the last comment and deleted it.
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