I bought a new car!! I named her Millie. If you are thinking that everything today is thoroughly modern, you are absolutely right, but I know that not many of you probably thought of that.
When I was a baby (as shown above) I primarily would babble, sleep, eat, and make funny facial expressions. Now that I am older (shown below) I have the same basic interests but have since learned to walk and have thus been able to expand my horizons. My babbling evolved into singing and I now sing any musical I can get my hands on. I sleep under the quilts that I love to make, eat the food I love to bake and make funny facial expressions at the people who are too serious at Yale University where I am a student working towards my nurse practitioner degree.
Love it.
Millie is very fitting I think! Not just for your car, but for the driver as well!
Hondas RULE!!!
Mine has 245,000 miles on it and it still runs great!!!
They are also great in the snow:)
Laura! My aunt's name is Millie. LOL- Come to think of it, she is also white & quite modern...What a coincidence!
Yeah! I can't wait to see it in the flesh!
Yeah! I love new cars!
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