okay okay Laura, Utah has a few snails, it's just one snail crawling on the fence. Don't panic. Then I looked a little harder and saw this...
huh. If you look carefully you will see no less than 5 snails on this fence. As I was inspecting the fence I heard a crunch, I looked down and saw this...
If you look carefully you will see no less than 7 snails on the sidewalk in front of my house (haha, including the one I accidentally stepped on). I started looking around and gasped. An army of snails was accumulating right outside my door!! Forget about swine flu, I am preparing for invasion! I must admit while I believe that snails are the spawns of the devil because they kill gardens, they are fascinating creatures, so I started collecting them in one area to get a better idea of how many there were and to observe. Folks, these pictures you are about to see are not for the weak of heart. They are not fabricated. None of these snails you see below are duplicates of those you see above. All of these snails were collected within 10 feet of my front door.
That is correct. You are counting 25 snails. Including the first pictures that makes 38 snails, and these are just the ones in visible, easy to kidnap places. Doesn't just their slime trail make you cringe?
Please, support my cause, step on a snail.