My beautiful roommate Kaylee and I at a ward party.

My lovely roommate Jessica and I at the airport on the way to Australia!
Cute little 4 year old cousin Jason didn't quite understand the concept...
ok ok, I really did just think my hair looked really good and wanted to capture it on film.
A particularly silly night with good friend Nicki, there are an endless amount of self portraits with this chicka, don't ask about the outfit.

This is my good friend Lucas at Bryce Canyon, I love that you can see my hand holding the camera through his glasses!

This is my good friend Lucas at Bryce Canyon, I love that you can see my hand holding the camera through his glasses!
My good friend Lynette and I at a ward activity.
Another one of Nicki and I, we decided to take a night hike to the top of the Y, and I had some problems with the flash. My pupils just wouldn't adapt!

Me and a wild koala we found on the side of the road in Australia
I must say, Terrencio is not looking too attractive in any of those pictures...
I'm pretty sure my reason for liking them can be bottled down to vanity and wanting to get a picture of Xan and I together but being too embarrassed to ask someone I don't know to take a picture for us. :) Loved your shots!
I love it. Made my day!
So how come my self portraits never come out that way! Zach and I have several from our trip to Paris that are so bad!
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