He is so beautiful and we were happy together.
About a month or so after purchasing Apollo, something strange happened. His brilliant blue color started to fade. I worried that he was perhaps getting sick, but he was still eating and was active. Suddenly one day, Jessica made a remarkable connection, the water at the pet store was blue!! Apollo had been dyed!! He was fading to his natural color! I loved Apollo just the same.
Apollo and I were happy in Salt Lake City, but as things often do, life started changing and I decided to relocate to Connecticut. Apollo came with me on a fantastic adventure. We picked up and started a 5 day drive. Apollo lived in a tiny tupperware dish for the journey. I worried about him at times, but he pulled through.
Apollo enjoyed the trip. He especially liked Niagra Falls, and the missionaries at the Hill Cumorah. We made it to Connecticut and got settled into our new home. Something odd happened at our new home, Apollo decided to turn more reddish. It was very strange...still haven't figured that one out, perhaps he missed Jessica.
He has had this reddish hue ever since. Apollo lived a good life, and, as dumb as this may sound, provided some good consistency for me when everything else in life was changing! He was a great fish and will be greatly missed!