This is back in April when I first planted, please pay special attention to the ity bity pink snap dragons up in the corner.
ok, so all of the following pictures are from the last couple of weeks! the garden has really taken off! A few of the plants were added or rearranged, but for the most part, the original plants just grew really well, for example, the snap dragons! this next picture is those same snap dragons that just took off!
cool how much more full it looks! I did get in some fights with the apartment gardeners to get them to stop picking the "weeds" that were coming up that were actually seeds I had planted, but finally I was able to get them to last to the point that they flowered and the gardeners finally understood that they were not weeds and stopped pulling them.
You may be asking yourself, what happened to those really pretty orange flowers that are in the April pictures but not the June pictures? Well, unfortunately, it turns out that our common enemy, the snail, likes to eat them. The following picture is what happened to my rununculus.
Snails also like to eat mums.
But I have since spread down some poison and that seems to be keeping the snails away. So there you have it, my little garden!! The love of my life!!